Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back for GOOD

Salam Ramadhan everyone...

I miss my blog so much and now I'm back for good!Too many things that I would love to share:

I am now, a mother to be :)
Syukur Alhamdulillah how I wished to be a mother... Thank  you Allah as HE listened for my praying after solat and of course my husband. Without him, this precious moment will be only a dream for me. I'll try to do the best thing as I can to ensure everything is OK, "my dear baby, we love you and lets wait the date to come patiently ok"...iboh nakal2 as your father said before..."kesian kt ibu"...

10weeks 4days :)

Being a pregger and stay alone is not a good thing but this is only the option that we have. I hope after the confinement period, three of us are going to stay together. I want my life to be just like a normal family, so that I'm going to manage everything...I mean as a wife and a mother....Amin..

Physical and Mental preparation
Physical...Not yet listed any actually. Well I'm going to list down what to be prepared after this coming up Raya...First delivery and first baby, for sure I need to but a lot of baby stuffs. Currently me in a learning process which required myself to read  pregnancy books (mental preparation rite...watever)...And I just noticed that all my favorite jeans are tight enough for me and couldn't wear them for this time being. Must do some shopping of maternity wear later...

Mental...Alhamdulillah the moment I knew I am a mother to be, I feel so blessed and thankful as myself very much ready to it. I believed by reciting Quran and selected Surah everything will going smoothly during my delivery moment. Moreover, I do hope that I can bear with the contraction time and remember our Creator Allah S.W.T along the process.

Confinement period discussed with my dearest hubby, he agreed and allow me to stay at my hometown during the confinement period. Eventho it's difficult for him to make that such decision, but I knew he could understand me better and what is the best for the mother and baby...Thanks syg...I love you even more...I hope he would be able to come and stay with us for a while...
I am the eldest daughter in my family and even this is not their first grandchild, a caring mother would love to take care her daughter during this time. She will understand and always know what I need...Thanks mom for your kind consideration as you knew my mother in law is not a housewife as you are

My niece...
p/s: Eager to wait March 2012... :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Outing.

This entry should be posted in past few weeks ago actually, but then I just got the photos from my husband. I knew he's must be paksa rela to send it...muahuahuahua...

BTW, during the photoshoot session we're supposed to be a shameless person, but I couldn't. I felt really awkward to pose like an amateur model, plus the photog's are my brother in law and his friends. Namun kugagahkan diri sblm di marahi suamiku...Well he knew I wanted this so badly...huhuhu...

So, we let the photos do the talking...

Common expression kan...

We love to piggyback!!!yeahaaa...

Fall in love with this one. It doesn't show our fake smiles kan (yeke)

p/s: Am hoping there will be a maternity photoshoot session!!!InsyaAllah...

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 22, 2011...UITM registration

Yesterday I went to Alor Gajah with mom and sister. Syukur Alhamdulillah as we arrived safely without lost  or 'makan langsat' instead of SESAT. Ira got offer form UITM in Multimedia and Comm. course. Actually she's hoping for TESL course at Maktab Perguruan, but unfortunately she didn't get the chance even she did well on the interview session. 

As her eldest sister, I told her not to disappoint because Allah knows everything. Maybe this is the best for her now and later right. She's taking it positively and seemed happy during her registration. Back to our journey, we departed from Subang Jaya at 7.30am and arrived there at 8.45am. We're all happy as we managed to arrive safely early. After parked my ride, we're walked in to registration booth. Everything went smoothly, praised to Allah. Ira will stay at hostel called 'Dang Anum'. I noticed that every block available being named with such historic name which is Tuah, Lekir and etc (ekceli aku dah lupa...kahkahkah)...

Anyway quite surprised with the facility and accommodation provided there. The hostel's bed, wardrobe, table and others seems too old compared to my place before...(bukan niat nk kutuk cuma harap dorang improve lg kan)...BTW, kami semua happy, at least UITM gave a great chance to my sister plus the registration fees is much much much cheaper and affordable. Jom masuk UITM...kankahakah...(mcm la aku pn graduated dr UITM...apakah)...

Some photos taken by Ira and myself...kejap...I dunno why my lumix camera tends to blur after few months I used it...urghhh...

hahahah still nk buat kenangan kat bilik Ira ni...hohoho...

Teruja tgk bilik...hahahah...sib baik xde monyet kt tingkap tu

ma sedang memberi nasihat kat ira kot...

Owhhhhh...that's all...Is wishing my sister can easily adapt with her new life begin...Chaiyok2.

p/s: Alhamdulillah kami xsesat...yeayyyyyy

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What a proud to be a Muslim!!!Thank You Allah

Huh am i sounded too humble hah?But yes, I was so proud to be a Muslim, Kelantanesse and now I married with a nice guy from Sarawak. I not upset or even sigh like this 'huh menyesal nya kawen org jauh'...Never. It's b'cos I found myself really love my hometown even more!!!

The best things about Kelantan is 'Tok Guru Nik Aziz'. I really proud for what he did to us. Maybe others would think he's quite conservative or narrow minded or sewaktu dgn nya.No he's not!!!He is a good man though. I loved the way he's leading our state until now. You will never found any like him nowadays, but yes as we knew every humans does not perfect kan. Am hoping Allah panjangkan umur dia. I don't know everytime I browsing to his FB or blog, I just found my tears suddenly drop!I did see him live years ago actually and I still remembered my friend and I were "Ya Allah tiba2 aku rsa sejuk"...That was a sign that he's definitely a 'nice' man!He's my idol after our prophet Nabi Muhammad S.A.W...

The main point here actually, I feel so insaf tiba2...Alhamdulillah it's good sign tho. As a start, I promised to myself not so close to 'tight' shirts. I would change it to loose blouse one and try to wear a 'real' Hijab which is covered enough my chest. I hope for next few years I was grown as a 'REAL' Muslimah, InsyaAllah!!!Besides,  I really hope everything in my life is going smoothly. Syukur ya Allah for what I have today and I knew myself is belongs to a nice man called a husband and wonderful family. Thanks and syukur Alhamdulillah.

p/s: The best things is my life is to be a Muslim and I am belongs to nice peoples around me.

Monday, May 9, 2011

wHen SAT & SUN ...


All I can say is...superb and awesome!!!I booked ticket for Fast & Furious 5 on sat morning and YES my mission is accomplished. To anyone out there,  I proudly suggest and recommend this movie.Best gile weh...rugi xtgk...Hmmm I love the action scenes...smpi ttp2 mata pon ada...hohoho TQ to my sister; lil companion on that day... :)...senyum kepuasan!!!



Sunday...The only day that I managed to sleep until noon.The rest day and ari aku ganti tido2 aku yg tertunggak.Wake up after 11am is a must (bapak burok perangai)...but I'm not saying that i''ll going to skip my Subuh ya...and the last sunday, bila mood terasa nk mkn tomyam...maka terjadilah:

Tomyam in progress
I prefer to serve tomyam without using any 'Tomyam's' paste actually...and I would love to share it :)...The ingredients:

1. Garlic (3 pon dah ckp...utk lg sedap xyah kupas kulit dia. Basuh then tumbuk skali ngan kulit tp jgn bg hancur...2kali ketuk je tau)
2. Chillies (ikut citarasa nk pedas mna)
3. Lemon-grass (Serai ni 3batang pon dah ckp...ketuk2 ye)
4. Kaffir Lime's leaf (daun limau purut ni 5-6helai cun r)
6. Onion (bawang besar tu...hiris la dlm satu biji dah ckp)
7. Lauk pauk (ayam ke, udang ke, sotong ke...mna yg suka atau korang ada la)
8. Tomatoes (paling penting...5-6biji dipotong2 ye...lagi lebam tomato tu lg bgs...sbb masam)
9. Sayur-sayuran (mushroom ngan daun sup la)

...nk buat ni mmg la senang..tumis je bawang putih smpi naik bau, then tuang air...then campak semua2 kt ats tu...biar gelegak lama2 biar tomato tu nk hancur...lagi hancur lg bagus...pastu dah gelegak masukkan la ayam...then utk rasa dia, garam ke gula ke campakla ikut sesedap rsa..kalo xckp masam letak je asam gelugor 1kpg..siap...

utk sayur, much better jgn letak dlm periuk...korang taruk je dlm pinggan yg korang nk hidang..sbb sayur kalo dah kayu xpuas mkn, esp mushroom...hehehe...Tomyam is ready to be served...ada ulam, budu ngan ikan masin...slurpppp

nyum nyum nyum

P/S: Masak sendiri lg puas...ooooo apapon am looking for this weekend so much...oh hubby wait for me!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Express my appreciation to...

This month is going to be a great one for me. Why?It's mother's day, my father's & youngest bro's birthday and Oh my,almost forgot about Farid, Fazwan, Fazwani, Farhan (adik ipar)...They were born on this month also (byk2 bulan korang pilih bln 5 gak nk kuar ye...KAPAK)

So I'm going buy them some prezzie lo. The value of the gift is not a matter actually, as long as they like it. I love you ma, love you ku and I love them so much...

KU, MA & MAK....

  • Handbag/ purse/ watch/ or... (for ma, mak and Ku)
  • T-shirt from Topman (Farid)..He loved this brand so much..sma utk Paan pon
  • Wallet (Fazwan)...Doesn't matter sbb dia jns yg sempoi all the time
  • School bag from Adidas (Firmanshah)...I just noticed that he's craving on this brand.
  • Mc'D TREAT (Wani)...janji makanan kot...

p/s: Mengharapkan aku mampu utk beli semua tu...xkesah habis duit this month janji dpt laksanakan semua tu.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Really mad, angry, frustrated, stress and....*sigh*....How would you feel when those things are being blended together..When it's happened to me, I obviously MOODY for the whole day!

p/s: :(